Socialists Drunk On Power

Socialists Drunk On Power

Saturday, January 25, 2014

First we have Obama's over - taxation and unworkable unconstitutional Soviet care healthcare plan to deal with, now we have Calif. Democrat radical / leftist Gov. Jerry Brown ...

 2/6/14- Folks ! Please go to FACEBOOK and 

search ' Organizing Against Obamacare ' and 

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Join the grassroots fight against the radical leftist 
incompetent Democrat Calif. Governor and his 
radical leftist Democrat majority legislature ... 
Expose them to your community !
Join, Click - 

1) 2012- Calif. Democrat radical leftist. extremist Jerry Brown releases state
prisoners early because of Calif. Democrat State legislature/ Jerry Brown
caused prison overcrowding, transfers prisoners to county jails, forcing counties
to paythe cost. Los Angeles Times reports in  2013 that increase in crime is
caused by Jerry Brown's prisoner early release program.

2)  Aug. 2013, Ca. Gov.Jerry Brown signs the Democrat legislature's trans
genders in school bathrooms bill, AB 1266. This would allow a transgender
who is actually a male to use girls bathrooms and gyms.

3) Sept 2013, Ca. Jerry Brown signs the Democrat legislature's drivers licenses
for illegal aliens bill to take effect Jan. 1, 2014.

4) 'Stop The Bag Ban', If bill passed, STATEWIDE California Plastic shopping
     bag ban to go into effect July 15, 2015....

'Stop The Bag Ban', If bill passed, STATEWIDE California Plastic
shopping bag ban to go into effect July 15, 2015
- By Pug, 2/3/14
KCAL Channel 9 News report Jan. 2014: Plastic shopping bag
ban STATEWIDE passed in California to go into effect
Jan. 1, 2015 ( O.C. Register 2/10/14). Shoppers to be charged
10 cents a bag if they want them. Hispanics who were
interviewed by a reporter at grocery store say they don't like

Your freedom is being further oppressed and your health
are being endangered by the Democrat radical leftist majority
California legislature and Democrat leftist California
Gov. Jerry Brown. This is an outrage. Why is such an outrageous
act is happening and what are the consequences? They banned
the bags because the Democrats desire campaign contributions
from environmentalists and they are out of touch in the bubble
of their elitist left wing and radical world.

I believe the ban is largely unknown by the California public.
If Republicans/Conservatives/Tea Party pull it off right by simply
informing the the public about the ban, this can defeat the ban and
help us win in 2014. We need to get active doing so.

Hispanics interviewed at a grocery store on the KCAL channel
segment said the ban would be very inconvenient and they don't
like it. In addition, I did a little research on my own. My thoughts
when I heard about the current Los Angeles County bag ban,
which precedes next year's total statewide ban was that the
ban would be VERY unsanitary and inconvenient. They want
shoppers to bring their own cloth bags to the store to have their
groceries bagged on the normal area of bagging, that is, at the
end of the conveyer belt on the counter. No one know where
everyone else's cloth bags have been: Where people walk on
surfaces, on the bathroom floor, car floors where people put
their feet, car seats where people sit, couches, on the living
room carpet where dogs and cats run around and people walk,
kitchen floors where people and animals sit and walk, etc.

The worse point on the apparent VERY unsanitary aspect of this:
Think of it:
1) Shoppers put groceries in the cart as they are shopping.

2) Groceries go from cart to conveyor belt. Groceries go in
bagging area at end of conveyor belt.

3) Shoppers bags from home go in bagging area and get filled
with groceries by for bagging box boy ( box person ).

4) Shopping bags full of groceries from home/ car go
into cart, then into car ( likely on dirty floor and car's
seats where riders butts sit, then into house and are
put onto every imaginable dirty floor and possibly
house/kitchen seats where butts sit.

5) Shoppers go back to store when they shop, using the
same bags that have been where who knows where, on
every imaginable unsanitary floor and seat.

6) Shoppers get a cart ( s) ( which have already had hundreds
and thousands of shoppers bags brought from home IN
THEM - the carts that is - that have been on every imaginable
DIRTY floor and seat. ).

7) Shoppers shop, putting their groceries directly on the bottom
of the cart, carts which have already had hundreds and thousands
of full bagged shoppers bags in the cart, bags brought from home
that have been on every imaginable DIRTY floor and seat.

That's hundreds of thousands of people's bags being where ever
they may have been, and then going onto the counter where
everyone's groceries bagged.

The knee jerk ban on grocery bags by the California Democrat
apparatik has come with no outreach to the public for input,
and no apparent effort by the Democrats to do public health
research effort into possible health risks to the public.
Is that obvious fanatic craziness on display or what ?

Is there any evidence the state made any PR public suggestion
effort or any public attempt to acquire proven recycling for plastic
shopping bags, instead of banning them ? So far it appears not.
The activists for the ban say recycling for the plastic shopping
bags is low. How do they know? Where's the proof? And what
if that's true? What if that's because people keep the bags?

Do they want to ban plastic baby diapers? Seniors citizen's
Depends diapers ? Thousands of plastic products are
manufactured EVERY day for products from cars to Bic pens.
Do they want to ban the pen too? Probably! So they go and
pick on one of the most useful conveniences in modern society,
the plastic shopping bag! The work of unreasonable,
incompetent, and out of control radical left winger
legislatures! Their reasons:

1) To not be hounded to the public and to the liberal
bias media by radical environmental organizations,
2) For campaign donations for their re-election.

There is some activity against the ban afoot. Let's make the
seeds of activism spread across the state, and bring sanity
back to the the office of the Governorship and legislature
in the state of California. Stop the bag ban. Get the picture ?
Call your California State Senator and Assemblyman.

 5) Jan. 2014, Radical leftist Democrat State legislature bill emerges that would
give free preschool for every 4 year old child in the state of California at the cost
of $ 6 billion a year, $ 6,000.000 per child. This means for illegal alien mother's

6) 2012 - Gov. raises job and paycheck destroying taxes on Californians
during a continually severe economic down turn, jobless rate of 11%.

7) At the end on Jan. 2014, an effort for a ballot initiative was
announced for the ballot to end the ban on bi-lingual education in California.
This is a leftist- Democrat effort that would do great harm to California.

8) In the fall of 2013, Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown  signed a bill raising the minimum
wage in California to $10.00 an hour by July 2016. This will drive jobs out of Calif.
and cause prices to be raised on all goods on everyone.